Great bargain...........everyone looking for dorm-room posters, or just a new poster for your bedroom, better check it out. Click on the* address, and use this code when ordering: BTSPOSTER09
Lots of sizes, papers and prices! Framed or unframed. Come in and see.................
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Back to School Poster
Back to School Poster "Sioux Indian Proverb" from
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Beautiful poster-photo of Kansas Flint Hills prairie with a Sioux Indian Proverb: "A people without history is like wind on the buffalo grass". Great for a dorm room............
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Beautiful poster-photo of Kansas Flint Hills prairie with a Sioux Indian Proverb: "A people without history is like wind on the buffalo grass". Great for a dorm room............
Back to School Man's T-Shirt from
Back to School Man's T-Shirt from
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Beautiful photo of Flint Hills, Kansas prairie, with a Sioux Indian Proverb: "A people without history is like wind on the buffalo grass."
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Beautiful photo of Flint Hills, Kansas prairie, with a Sioux Indian Proverb: "A people without history is like wind on the buffalo grass."
Cottonwood Falls, Kansas

The Chase Country Courthouse is another "to see" attraction in this small town. Having outgrown their log-cabin courthouse and jail, the people of Chase County, at a special election in 1871, thirteen years after the county's formation and with a population of about 600, voted to approve the $40,000 bond levy to build a new jail and courthouse. Isaac Alexander donated the 2 1/2 acres of land for the building. The brochure about the courthouse says that the workers worked six days a week for two years building the building, a Louis XIII period French Renaissance Chateau. It has been in continual use as a courthouse since then, the oldest in Kansas and in the midwest still being used as a courthouse. The jail was still in use until the 1970's, when new state laws closed it. The building is listed in the National Registry of Historic Places and the Kansas Historical Site Register. "Unmatched in durability and design, the Courthouse remains a living tribute to its builders and the Flint Hills pioneers who dreamed of a Courthouse which would stand a century." (from: the Chase County Courthouse brochure)
Here are a few "signs of the times" from Cottonwood Falls, Kansas...........
Well, I have more Flint Hills area words/photos to come, but think I will stop here for now. But will say one more time: go visit Cottonwood Falls, and the Flint Hills areas around it - it's worth the visit!
Cottonwood Falls,
Flint Hills,
short vacations,
40th Anniversary Retreat at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas

Thanks to our kids/spouses, we had a little get-away from our routine for our 40th anniversary last week. We were given an over-night stay/dinner at a "fancy" hotel...........I was surprised, as only my husband knew where we were going. He chose Cottonwood Falls, Kansas - a small town where we had stopped a couple of times before. We'd eaten lunch at the "fancy" hotel - and deemed it "wonderful" - the lunch AND the hotel. :) The hotel rooms were a bit beyond our reach, so we were quite happy to have a chance, thanks to family, to stay in it for a night. It is the Grand Central Hotel; beautiful. It first opened in 1884 and was re-opened in 1995, with all of its glory restored, with a western theme. Not "cute-sy", just beautiful! And I give the restaurant GREAT ratings. The food is delicious.........the steaks are DIVINE! Yum! If you have the opportunity to visit Cottonwood Falls, and to stay at the Grand Central Hotel, DO. And, by all means, eat at the restaurant. You won't regret it, I'm sure.
Cottonwood Falls is a charming little town, part of the Flint Hills area of Kansas. It IS a very small town ..... so city-lovers, be prepared. But if you appreciate history and small-town visits, as we do, you will love visiting there. There are a couple of art galleries, antique places, the historical old courthouse - the "Chase County Courthouse" (with a magnificent spiral wood staircase!). And there is "Emma's Cafe"..... where I ate a most delicious elk-burger (elk were native to Kansas; this elk meat is raised and processed in the Flint Hills, the brochure tells me), with a side of fried squash "round". So good (and the blueberry pie wasn't bad, either - my husband and I shared it)! "Emma's Cafe", in Cottonwood Falls, is fairly well known. I've read about it in the Wichita Eagle newspaper. Besides the taste of the cafe's food - it is well-known for having it's Friday night music sessions. In nice weather, people bring lawn chairs, as it is held outside. Inclement weather brings it inside. I'm told that it is held every Friday throughout the whole year; I hope we can take it in sometime!
anniversary trip,
Cottonwood Falls,
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Back-to-School Kids' T-Shirt from
Back-to-School Kids' T-Shirt from
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Cute English Bulldog photo on back-to-school t-shirt, "WAKING UP FOR SCHOOL IS HARD!"
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Cute English Bulldog photo on back-to-school t-shirt, "WAKING UP FOR SCHOOL IS HARD!"
For John ..... Forty Years ..... from Sandy, because I love you.
When we married at 22 and 23 we were young, a bit naive about marriage, but happy and hopeful for the future of our marriage, our life together. Now, in our 40th year together, when many of our age have called it quits and divorced (sometimes more than once), we are still together.
What does that mean?
For one thing - and I especially speak to the unmarried youth here - it shows that, YES!, it IS possible to wait for, and MARRY - not just "hook up" (yes, kids, I know what that means) - but MARRY - that special person, and grow old together. It means you can continue loving each other and stay married through the ups and downs of marriage.
Yes, we have argued (and still do) during these forty years. (Ask our kids - who sometimes make it sound as if that is all we ever did!). We've disagreed. We've been frustrated with each other. There have been moments we've been so tired and discouraged taking care of four kids, pets and others - that we wondered why we even started. We have had some very sad and serious family incidents that have sent some couples in two different directions. We've made several drastic moves in our lives and had to cope with all that that brings on (like learning another language). We've had deaths of loved friends and family members, which often causes couples to shut down with each other. There have been serious health issues.
In short, our marriage has gone through, and still does, many of the same things others cope with.
And we are still together.
So, again - what does that mean?
Well, in spite of any of the "downs" these past years - it shows that we honored our love and commitment to each other. We didn't walk away when the hard things happened. We worked them out. Together. Forty years together proves you can do it. And be happy.
I don't mean to sound judgmental to anyone - as there are many reasons why a marriage dissolves; we are human. I do, however, think our youth need to hear of the marriages that succeed. They need to hear that you can meet, fall in love, and NOT sleep with someone before you are married. That sex is great and wonderful and good - and you CAN hold off until marriage. That you really CAN do it God's way. That, once married, you CAN work through the arguments, disagreements, etc, and STILL love each other, and stay together. Our young people today are rarely hearing this.
Being married forty years also means that there were so many more "ups" in all of those years than "downs". Forty years of marriage means going through forty years of life with someone you love dearly. It means forty years of having that person there to share with - the fun and happy things as well as the hard and heart-breaking stuff. It means having the person you "made" those four kids with ("made" is the way the French say it) right there helping raise them, loving them with you. It means having someone you can trust and depend on always. Never having to worry about another man or woman coming between you - because you respect and love each other enough. Because you have promised God, and each other, that you will flee temptations...and not put yourselves in positions that invite those temptations. You cling to each other. It means having someone there for forty years to hold your hand, be by your bedside,put a cold rag on your feverish forehead,clean up the vomit, sit up with you in the hospital, pray for you.
It means forty years of sharing laughs,talents,food,books,gardens. Having someone there to come home to. Having someone who can usually speak the words you are thinking - because you have come to know each other so well.
And forty years together means, though the physical bodies are now sagging, bagging, dragging and graying - you STILL see each other almost (I said "almost"!) as when you first met. It means that after forty years together you look at, but past, those physical changes.....and still want and see the person you first loved and said "I do" to all those years ago.
And love each other all the more. At least, that's what forty years together means to me.
And you thank God.
What does that mean?
For one thing - and I especially speak to the unmarried youth here - it shows that, YES!, it IS possible to wait for, and MARRY - not just "hook up" (yes, kids, I know what that means) - but MARRY - that special person, and grow old together. It means you can continue loving each other and stay married through the ups and downs of marriage.
Yes, we have argued (and still do) during these forty years. (Ask our kids - who sometimes make it sound as if that is all we ever did!). We've disagreed. We've been frustrated with each other. There have been moments we've been so tired and discouraged taking care of four kids, pets and others - that we wondered why we even started. We have had some very sad and serious family incidents that have sent some couples in two different directions. We've made several drastic moves in our lives and had to cope with all that that brings on (like learning another language). We've had deaths of loved friends and family members, which often causes couples to shut down with each other. There have been serious health issues.
In short, our marriage has gone through, and still does, many of the same things others cope with.
And we are still together.
So, again - what does that mean?
Well, in spite of any of the "downs" these past years - it shows that we honored our love and commitment to each other. We didn't walk away when the hard things happened. We worked them out. Together. Forty years together proves you can do it. And be happy.
I don't mean to sound judgmental to anyone - as there are many reasons why a marriage dissolves; we are human. I do, however, think our youth need to hear of the marriages that succeed. They need to hear that you can meet, fall in love, and NOT sleep with someone before you are married. That sex is great and wonderful and good - and you CAN hold off until marriage. That you really CAN do it God's way. That, once married, you CAN work through the arguments, disagreements, etc, and STILL love each other, and stay together. Our young people today are rarely hearing this.
Being married forty years also means that there were so many more "ups" in all of those years than "downs". Forty years of marriage means going through forty years of life with someone you love dearly. It means forty years of having that person there to share with - the fun and happy things as well as the hard and heart-breaking stuff. It means having the person you "made" those four kids with ("made" is the way the French say it) right there helping raise them, loving them with you. It means having someone you can trust and depend on always. Never having to worry about another man or woman coming between you - because you respect and love each other enough. Because you have promised God, and each other, that you will flee temptations...and not put yourselves in positions that invite those temptations. You cling to each other. It means having someone there for forty years to hold your hand, be by your bedside,put a cold rag on your feverish forehead,clean up the vomit, sit up with you in the hospital, pray for you.
It means forty years of sharing laughs,talents,food,books,gardens. Having someone there to come home to. Having someone who can usually speak the words you are thinking - because you have come to know each other so well.
And forty years together means, though the physical bodies are now sagging, bagging, dragging and graying - you STILL see each other almost (I said "almost"!) as when you first met. It means that after forty years together you look at, but past, those physical changes.....and still want and see the person you first loved and said "I do" to all those years ago.
And love each other all the more. At least, that's what forty years together means to me.
And you thank God.
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