Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Father's Day T-Shirt gift

Words of life ...

When a man dies, what is said of him at his funeral?

Our good friend, Richard Schott, missionary for many, many years to the Philippines, with his wife Mary, passed away - his funeral was yesterday morning. Though there were many tears, there was much joy shining through the sadness of losing him here on earth. And what was said of him at his funeral? The truth. Really. Among those who spoke of Richard we heard many of the same defining words: wonderful Christian man, honest, loving, kind, good father, loving and faithful husband, great friend, fun to be around, a man full of integrity, a man following God to the end.

When a man dies the material things he has left are of no importance. What counts are those words - the "words of his life". Has he lived a life that will produce a garden-full of beautiful words that can be spoken, honestly, at his funeral? Not just flattering words, but honest-to-goodness-descriptive-of-the-man-words. Richard was such a man, and there were many at his funeral sharing the words that showed he was such a man. When he accepted the salvation of Jesus Christ, becoming a Christian, his life from that point on moved with God. He loved and trusted God right up to his death. He lived his life trying to be the man God wanted him to be. He wasn't perfect, anymore than the rest of us. He was just a man - but a good man who lived a good life and left good words behind to describe him at his funeral. Such a legacy to his children is much, much more than any of the "things" he might have left them.

I only hope that at my own funeral my "words of life" are just as beautiful as Richard Schott's were.

Father's Day Cap