I'd like to say that I'm a novice at this, but am giving it a try! I just tried posting something, but I guess I didn't do something right; so am giving it another try. :) Hopefully, this one will be the "right" one and will get me started.
I hope to come up with some interesting things to say on my blog. I have enjoyed reading other blogs and the varied topics they have - some I agree with, some not. However, the "beauty of a blog", for me, is that I CAN read all sorts of things, and see other points of view, whether I agree or not. All I ask, here, is that any responses are kept decent, without vulgarity. Thanks. I believe we can speak our piece without falling into the gutter verbally. The English language is so full of beautiful words: verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc., ..... we have SUCH a choice! Let's try to use them.
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